Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly
- The Beatles

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Alexa lives in the far east with her son Tyler and their cat Brownie. She can be reached via email here

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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Tim alerts us to a family's fight to save the life of a 14-year-old boy who has been shot in the neck:
The family of a 14-year-old who was shot in the neck has received a restraining order preventing the University of Kansas Hospital from taking the boy off of life support.

Michael Todd of Kansas City was shot Tuesday at a Blue Springs apartment. Police said a witness told them that the gun might have gone off accidentally.

"Our doctors have determined him to be brain dead," hospital spokesman Dennis McCulloch said on Friday.

But Michael's family argues that the hospital wants to remove the boy from life support because it wants to use his organs for a donor program.

"It's so quick," said Odette Cole, Todd's aunt. "He's 14 years old. ... You're acting like you're in a grocery store for body parts."

Though McCulloch could not discuss the case specifically, he said a family would be required to authorize any organ donations.

"I can tell you generically that under federal regulations all deaths or imminent deaths are required to be reported to the organ bank," he said. "Beyond that is between the organ bank and a family whether a donation is made."

Michael's family filed for the restraining order in Wyandotte County District Court. McCulloch said the hospital planned to respond to the injunction Monday.
Tim says that he has received information suggesting that Michael's mother feels that he is showing signs of increased brain activity. I'm sure he'll have more updates later. In the meantime, I ask that you keep Michael Todd and his family in your prayers.

Alexa swing by at 7:59 PM

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