What do you say when it's all gone away Baby I didn't mean to hurt you Truth spoke in whisper will tear you apart No matter how much you try to resist it
It never rain when you want it to..
Alexa swing by at 11:44 PM
Catholics and contraception: In Humane Vitae, Pope Paul VI "warned against self-delusion, concerned that contraception can lead people to falsely believe they can control their own lives, disregarding the natural limitations of both the body and of technology... Protestants and Catholics alike would do well to consider the personal and global dimensions of their intimate choices."
Alexa swing by at 10:53 PM
ACTION REQUESTED:Ask your lawmakers to sign the anti-assisted-suicide brief! Contact your U.S. senators and representative, especially those with a generally pro-life voting record or who are known to have opposed assisting suicide, to ask them to sign onto an important "friend of the court" brief in the U.S. Supreme Court. Members of Congress can sign on to the brief by calling Randy Brandt, counsel to Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.). The deadline is Wednesday, May 4.The brief from Members of Congress is in support of the Justice Department's 2001 ruling that the use of federally controlled drugs to assist suicide is not "a legitimate medical purpose" and thus forbidden by the Controlled Substances Act. Members of Congress should be urged to join colleagues on this "amicus curiae" brief supporting Attorney General Gonzales' appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court of a 9th Circuit Court of Appeal's opinion that upheld the State of Oregon's legal challenge to the Justice Department. Currently, Oregon is the only state whose law has explicitly legalized assisting suicide in certain cases, and Oregon doctors are prescribing federally controlled narcotics in order to assist suicides. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft issued the "Interpretive Rule" in 2001 stating that assisted suicide is not a "legitimate medical purpose," and therefore the prescription of drugs for that use violates the Controlled Substances Act. This policy was never carried out due to court orders by a federal district court. Contrary to criticse assertions, the Attorney General's policy, which is supported in this brief, does not invalidate, supersede, or pre-empt Oregon's assisted suicide law. It simply makes clear that state law cannot override federal drug law and any physician violating it would be susceptible to losing his or her privilege to prescribe federally controlled substances. Members of Congress may be reached by telephone through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (when provided with the caller's zip code or senator or representative's name, the operator will transfer the call to the appropriate member's office). To send appropriate e-mails to any member of Congress regarding this brief, please go to http://www.senate.gov/ and http://www.house.gov/ to find members' email addresses. Please follow up with a phone call to make sure members understand the urgency and give you a response to your request. The NRLC contact is Elizabeth Maier at 202-626-8838 or emaier@nrlc.org. At the time of this alert, Senators Santorum, Sam Brownback, and Trent Lott, and Congressmen Chris Smith, Henry Hyde, Chris Cannon and Joseph Pitts have signed onto the brief. We encourage you to call and thank these members for signing the brief, and ask them to speak to their colleagues to join the brief. To view the draft amicus brief please go to: here (for PDF format) or here (for MS Word format). For additional information about this case, please go to here.
Alexa swing by at 10:14 PM
The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Baby Rowan was a stillborn.
Alexa swing by at 10:00 PM
Can't decide which way to go? Well, Elena at My Domestic Church has a discussion on childbirth choices here. My choice? Natural birth (MINUS the episiotomy though).
Alexa swing by at 9:57 PM
Here's an update on Baby Charlotte: According to Joshua at Savecharlotte.com, Charlotte's Mum and Dad will go to the Appeals court sometimes in mid May, asking them to rescind the DNR order. If they fail there, they will try the European court. At this we do not have much hope in a favourable ruling, we will do all we can to help. Whether the courts rule in favour or not, the hospital has lost all the trust they had. After exploring different options, we've decided the best thing we can do is to bring little Charlotte home. Our plan of action now is to bring her home, and have her reassessed by a pro-life Christian doctor. Taking care of Charlotte involves a considerable amount money, money that the Wyatts do not have. On behalf of SaveCharlotte.com, I'd like to ask that we do all we can to help. You can get more details pertaining to the donations here.  Charlotte Wyatt: An extended biography
Alexa swing by at 4:01 PM
Meanwhile, the ACLJ files a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood on behalf of a pro-life college student who claims he was tackled and injured while trying to exercise his First Amendment rights outside an abortion clinic in 2004. According to the lawsuit, Daniel Heenan, a Virginia resident who attends Christendom College in Front Royal, Va., was injured by a security guard who tackled him to the ground in May 2004 while he was taking part in Saturday prayer vigils and sidewalk counseling outside the clinic on 16th Street NW in the nation's capital.
Alexa swing by at 3:44 PM
Randall Terry asked Gov. Bush to protect pregnant 13-year-old Florida girl
Alexa swing by at 3:38 PM
You have to read this: Terri's final hours: Fr. Frank's account
Alexa swing by at 3:31 PM
New study confirms that abortion increases risks of future premature births.
Alexa swing by at 3:24 PM
They are teaching about homosexuality in kindergarden? Christ!
Alexa swing by at 3:22 PM
This is so sad: "She had disappeared from her home. A search found her hanging from a tree in a nearby woods. "Under her shirt, the coroner found Arlin's favorite stuffed animal -- a rabbit." Arlin's mother said that Arlin had left a suicide note saying that she wanted to go be with her baby." Hat tip: Ashli
Alexa swing by at 3:03 PM
All of the moments that already passed We'll try to go back and make them last All of the things we want each other to be We never will be
Alexa swing by at 2:35 PM
Me: I can't sleep Him: So why are you telling me that? GODDAMMIT Jay, don't you ever know why? This is why these things ended up here, because you chose to not hear my cries. You didn't hear me, you didn't. You never did.
Alexa swing by at 2:03 PM
Teron taken off respiratorThe mechanical ventilator for Teron Francis was turned off at the request of his family shortly before 5 p.m., Montefiore Children's Hospital spokeswoman Pamela Adkins said. The boy's heart and other organs stopped by 5:05 p.m.
Alexa swing by at 10:39 PM
13-year-old girl fighting DCF bid to block abortion.
Alexa swing by at 1:10 PM
This is why we need the parental notification bill... A social worker affiliated with an Alaska hospital arranged a secret abortion for a 15 year-old teenager in Seattle paid\ for at government expense. The escapade is now the subject of a lawsuit. The parents of the teen have filed suit against Providence Alaska Medical Center after learning that an employee there took their daughter for the abortion without their knowledge or consent. The family, whose name is being withheld, became alarmed when their daughter didn't return home from school one afternoon in March 2003. They only learned about their daughter's whereabouts when an older daughter informed them.
Alexa swing by at 1:04 PM
I bet you already knew who my favorite idol finalist is...  .. but we all have a little dirt underneath our ..er.. shoes.
Alexa swing by at 12:49 PM
Dutch euthanasia doctor admits to killing 4 newborns with lethal injectionsThe Evening Standard reports an extraordinary confession today by a Dutch doctor who admits to having euthanized disabled newborns. Dutch paediatrician Eduard Verhagen is in the forefront of a push to have the euthanasia of infants made legal in order to protect doctors who are already doing it. He admitted that he had given lethal injections to four babies born with spina bifida, a condition that is sometimes correctable by pre-natal surgery.
Alexa swing by at 2:13 PM
According to a new poll, both pro-life activists and abortion advocates strongly support laws that allow parents to be involved when their teenage daughter is considering an abortion. The results of the poll by Opinion Dynamics Corporation came on the day the House of Representatives approved legislation to enforce state laws on the subject. 78% of those polled favor parental notification laws and 72% support parental consent laws. Pro-life respondents strongly favored the proposals with 95% backing notification measures and 93% favoring parental consent. Even those polled who favor legalized abortion still say parents should be allowed to know about their daughters' major medical decisions like an abortion. More here.
Alexa swing by at 1:42 PM
Alexa swing by at 1:37 PM
I thought of Tim (Mel's super-hot-skinhead brother) today, which is weird because I haven't thought about him since. A part of me wondered if things would ever had been the same if I had chosen Tim. It's just one of those days I guess. You look back and wonder, and suddenly you are thankful that you have what you have.
Alexa swing by at 1:22 PM
"In general, I'm happy to call myself a feminist, and I'm proud of the work that feminists do. Unfortunately, in the case of abortion rights, I sometimes feel that feminism has gone astray. Although I'm pro-choice, I worry that abortion is promoted as a minor decision, as a type of political activism, or even as an exercise of feminine power. I think this is especially true of partial-birth abortion. Banning partial-birth abortion should be a cause that both pro-choicers and pro-lifers can support. When it comes to women's rights, there are so many issues that demand our attention -- promoting education and civil rights, encouraging women to consider wide-ranging career choices and eliminating the threat of rape. Why have we gotten mixed up in supporting a procedure that is unsupportable?" asks Jennifer Weiss
Alexa swing by at 10:02 PM
Alexa swing by at 9:38 PM
Pamela Hennessy: The new slaughter house rules"There was a time when we counseled people through suicidal thoughts. Now, we just hand them pills and bags and tell them their decisions are "for the best". Whose best? You know you're living in a sick world when we liken the abandonment of people to compassion or hastened death to peace. There is something dramatically wrong with us when we busy ourselves telling Nana not to be a 'burden' instead of just loving her and looking after her. Why are we working so hard to frighten people into death when our own natural instincts direct us to preserving our own lives? Why are we looking for new and more convenient ways to do people in instead of just treating them like people?"
Alexa swing by at 9:12 PM
1 in 6 Japanese women between 16 and 49 years of age has had an abortion, according to a government survey of 890 women in Japan that was released Monday, the Asahi Shimbun reports. The survey shows more than 70% of those who had an abortion said they felt sorry for the fetus or blamed themselves for the experience. However, the survey also found that nearly two-thirds of the respondents supported abortion rights.
Alexa swing by at 9:04 PM
Alexa swing by at 1:32 PM
The judge says only the boy's parents can decide whether to turn the machines off, and doctors must honor their wishes. Here's the latest on Teron FrancisHat tip: The powers that blog
Alexa swing by at 12:20 PM
Quebec school nurses to prescribe abortifacient to school girls... Hmph. What a fantabulous way to curb the problem!
Alexa swing by at 11:54 AM
Alexa swing by at 11:14 AM
A new Zogby International poll conducted for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution last week found 65% of Georgians support the Right to Know bill. Under the information component of the bill, women thinking about an abortion would be entitled to information 24 hours in advance, including a brochure showing the development of the unborn child. It also puts in place a parental notification requirement that parents must be told about their teenager daughter's request for an abortion.
Alexa swing by at 11:06 AM
A message from Blogs for Terri concerning Baby Charlotte: "Darren & Debbie are asking if it would be at all possible to bring in a pro-life doctor from elsewhere, with some knowledge in this field, to do an independent assessment on Charlotte. Would you know of any leads, or how we might go about this? They feel strongly that the NHS is not working for her best interest, and just now it seems as if maybe an American doctor might be able to make a less politicized assesment than a British doctor. -Hannah" Answer via comments and/or email to BlogsForTerri or Julie at juleni@wowway.com
Alexa swing by at 3:22 PM
Benedict says he prays not to be elected "Speaking in his native tongue, Benedict told the audience that at one point during the conclave, when it became clear he was garnering many votes, a fellow cardinal slipped him a note reminding him what he had preached before the conclave about Christ calling Peter to follow him even where he did not want to go. Benedict, 78, said he had hoped to spend his last years living quietly and peacefully. "As the trend in the ballots slowly made me realize that - in a manner of speaking the guillotine would fall on me - I started to feel quite dizzy," a smiling Benedict said, clearly joking. "I thought that I had done my life's work and could now hope to live out my days in peace. I told the Lord with deep conviction, 'Don't do this to me.'" He recalled saying to God in his prayers: "You have younger, better, more enthusiastic and energetic candidates." "Evidently, this time He didn't listen to me," Benedict said." Well, aren't we all glad He didn't!
Alexa swing by at 3:01 PM
Yesterday, I posted excerpts from Ashli's on the infant who survived abortion and was born alive. Liberty Counsel has a press release here. WorldNet Daily has an exclusive article and pictures of baby Rowan here. This is SO heartbreaking: "I stayed beside Rowan talking to him, telling him how strong he was being and how proud I was of him. I told him God must really want us to be together for him to make it through everything he had just been through and that Mommy was so sorry but so happy to have a chance to love him. I told him he was a strong little miracle and that I couldn't wait for him to meet his brother and sister. I just kept touching him, trying to warm him with my hands and talking to him so he would not feel any more afraid than he already must. Then Rowan stopped moving. He was perfect, slightly pale and a little translucent. His eyebrows were pale but wide and well-defined. You could see little hairs on his face and head. He had the tiniest little fingernails and toenails. I noticed they already had a little bit of growth. His mouth was lovely. He was this perfectly formed one pound, one ounce human being. He was beautiful. He had been so strong... I wrapped him in [a] blue pad instead of one of the wet blankets. I just kept kissing him and telling him I loved him so much. I told him I was sorry I couldn't get anyone to help us and I was so sorry for ever coming here." Warning: Graphic content
Alexa swing by at 12:51 PM
It's Pro-life T-shirt Day!Yes, folks, April 26 is ALL's National Pro-life T-shirt Day! Go on, put on those t-shirts and be a voice for the unborn. Save them and spare their mothers and fathers from the trauma associated with an abortion! It's never too late to order your t-shirt here.
Alexa swing by at 12:24 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:18 PM
"From various sources, here and abroad, I have heard that not a few are "disappointed" at the election of Pope Benedict XVI . When we examine what they are "disappointed" about, we find that it is about "moral" things. They hoped that the Church would finally be "up-to-date." What this being "up-to-date" usually means is that the Church will finally approve of birth control, abortion, cloning, the ordination of women, divorce, gay life and marriage, and other pious habits. Seldom do we hear any other reasons for "disappointment." Thus, what the essence of such objections comes down to is that the Church, in being what it is, is wrong on such fundamental points." Read Suppose we had a "liberal" pope
Alexa swing by at 12:14 PM
Fr. Tucker on the Holy Father. Oh, and don't forget to check out his published works
Alexa swing by at 11:44 AM
Sharon Osbourne told to have abortion by mother... "It was full of other young girls, and we were all terrified... I howled my way through it, and it was horrible. It was the worst thing I ever did."
Alexa swing by at 11:32 AM
Mother sues hospital after twin survives abortionStacy Dow, who was 16 when she found out that she was pregnant, is seeking compensation and damages for the "financial burden" of raising her daughter.
Alexa swing by at 10:57 AM
The U.S. House of Representatives will take up the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (H.R. 748) on April 27. Enter your zip code into the "Take Action Now" box to send your representative an e-mail message urging support for this legislation. Act now!
Alexa swing by at 10:22 AM
This is heartbreaking -- From Ashli's: "At nearly 23 gestational weeks old (25-weeks-pregnant) the little boy fought bravely when he was delivered alive as a result of an induction of labor abortion. As soon as she caught sight of her beautiful son, Rowan's mother experienced an epiphany. Here are excerpts from the testimony of what she saw after her child was delivered: 'His right leg moved. I screamed ... pants down, blood everywhere ... I pushed my pinkie into his little hand and his fingers curled around mine.... My entire life and my moral views changed drastically once I saw my son moving ...... nothing else in the whole world mattered but Rowan's safety! I fell immediately in love with my baby boy and all my fears about having him fell away. Only one thing mattered to me: getting Rowan help.' Rowan's mom repeatedly begged the clinic employee to call 911. To this frightened and concerned mother's horror the abortion staff simply turned away, refusing to provide any assistance or care for her baby boy. They would not call for paramedics to come to Rowan's rescue. The infant struggled to survive for eleven long minutes. Little Rowan finally succumbed, perishing in the icy waters of the clinic toilet."
Alexa swing by at 10:13 AM
The munchkins would be outraged by this.
Alexa swing by at 10:43 PM
13-year-old stays on life support, Judge rules 13-year-old Teron Francis was taken to Bronx-Lebanon Hospital on Monday, following complaints of a severe headache and toothache. A CAT-scan revealed a dental infection that had spread to the boy's brain, causing it to swell, the family says. When the young Francis went into convulsions and became unconscious, doctors transferred him to Montefiore Hospital for surgery on Tuesday. The following day, according to the boy's mother, Marcerlyn Francis, Montefiore's doctors told her the teen's lungs had to be stopped from functioning in order to complete an operative procedure. Within hours they were back, informing her that her son was brain dead. Hospital personnel had allegedly threatened to disconnect him from life support against their wishes, says the family. According to Annmarie Douglas, Teron's aunt, a Montefiore physician informed the family that New York State law empowers doctors to remove respirators from patients who have been brain dead more than 24 hours. At that point, Teron's mother contacted Robert Genis, an attorney, who obtained an order from the New York Supreme Court requiring the hospital to show cause for removing the breathing device.
Alexa swing by at 10:34 PM
New attention for 2002 Born-Alive Infants Protection Act on survivors of abortionThe Bush Administration told doctors and hospitals on Friday that they must make every effort to save the lives of premature babies born after failed abortions.
Alexa swing by at 10:18 PM
Alexa swing by at 10:13 PM
Want to know what's happening with Clara Martinez? Tim has more here. Salvador Martinez: " Let it be as God wishes"
Alexa swing by at 9:21 PM
Help Charlotte!"Another request from Charlotte's parents-- would anyone who has been in a similar situation be able to write us about their case? He will give the letters to the judge for the next hearing. We need to prove the doctor's definition of 'hopeless' 'terminal' and 'not worth saving' wrong. Right now we are also researching private hospitals that might be willing to take Charlotte and would value her life, for it would be good if she could leave the place she is in now. She is not receiving as much therapy as her parents would like, and the hospital has yet to release her full records to them. And it's hard to trust someone who thinks your baby would be better off dead." Source: savecharlotte.com via Blogs for Terri
Alexa swing by at 9:12 PM
My heartiest congratulations to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI on his inaguration! 
Alexa swing by at 8:56 PM
Democrats for Life unveils plan to reduce abortion
Alexa swing by at 1:00 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:56 PM
On the other hand, the UN admits that access to abortion is not effective at reducing maternal mortality rates The report, entitled "Maternal Mortality Update 2004: Delivering Into Good Hands," states that some 529,000 women died in 2000 as a result of complications in pregnancy and childbirth, with 95 percent of deaths occurring in Africa and Asia. Only 2,500 maternal deaths occurred in developed countries, where the risk of maternal death is one in 2,800, compared to one in 16 in sub-Saharan Africa. The report acknowledges that "almost all maternal mortality is avoidable," because "all five of the most life-threatening complications can be treated by a professional health worker." Thus, "We know that efficient emergency interventions for complications are key to saving women's lives."
Alexa swing by at 12:49 PM
91,000 babies killed by abortion every year in Oz, new statistics shows The report also revealed that there were also 419 late-term abortions performed in 2002-2003.
Alexa swing by at 12:44 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:41 PM
Bush administration fights UN to stop promoting RU 486 The World Health Organization wants to place the mifepristone abortion drug on a list of essential medicines, that make up the schedule of health care the UN advises countries to have available. Committee members claim the drugs are needed in countries where surgical abortions are the only available abortion method. In many cases, such countries don't have adequate surgical facilities. However, President Bush has instructed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to lobby against including the abortion drugs in the UN guide. More here
Alexa swing by at 12:31 PM
Banning ultrasounds? Focus on the Family will spend $4.2 million on ultrasound machines for 650 pregnancy centers across the country. The goal is to provide centers with the equipment, which has been touted as helping to change the minds of many women considering abortion.
Alexa swing by at 12:21 PM
Folks, remember Baby Charlotte, the severely disabled 18-month-old? Charlotte Wyatt was born three months premature and has never left the hospital. She has brain damage and injuries to her lungs and kidneys. Despite her condition, her parents, Darren and Debbie Wyatt, of Portsmouth, England, want doctors to continue doing everything possible to save her life. But back in October a UK court ruled against the parents and allowed doctors at a Portsmouth hospital to deny any lifesaving medical care, allowing her to die. The presiding judge said it was in Charlotte's best interests to allow her to die "a good death". The Wyatts have since appealed to a higher court, which denied their request. Richard Stein, the Wyatt's attorney, told the London Guardian that the couple is "very upset." Charlotte's parents say the little girl is a "fighter" who should be given every chance. Can we do something about this? Anyone in the UK who can help open up the path? Update: Okay, I've just read Blogs for Terri, Richard has more hereSee Charlotte photo albumBaby Charlotte could see, hear, respond and smile, but does that even matter? The judge feels that his former ruling should stand -- no resuscitation. Charlotte hasn't given up, she wants to live and we should help her.Main Hospital Number: (023) 9228 6000 The above telephone number will put you through to the main switchboard, who can then direct your call to the appropriate ext. Chief Executive's telephone number: 023 9228 6770 Chairman's telephone number: 023 9228 6427
Alexa swing by at 1:04 PM
Senate Judiciary Committee approves two pro-life nominees selected by President Bush for federal appeals courts .
Alexa swing by at 12:51 PM
Michigan abortionist Reginald Sharpe loses his license after a failed abortion he performed on a 31 year-old woman in March at his Livonia abortion facility. According to reports, the woman who came to Sharpe for the abortion was 23 weeks into her pregnancy. On the second day of the abortion process, Sharpe determined he could not reach the unborn child to perform the abortion. He told the woman to rest in the recovery room and left his facility. There were no other doctors in the building and none of Sharpe's staff were medical professionals. The woman began to have contractions and was bleeding profusely. She asked the staff to call an ambulance and notify her mother, who was in the waiting room. Despite several pleas, the employees refused and said Sharpe was planning to return. After screaming, the woman's mother came into the recovery room and ultimately delivered the woman's stillborn baby. Sharpe's staff continued to refuse to help.
Alexa swing by at 12:45 PM
If you say you're a Catholic, be a Catholic... The new pope could inject a powerful new force into the intense conflicts in American politics over abortion and other social issues, which will put many Catholic elected officials at odds with their church.
Alexa swing by at 9:49 PM
Unless Roe v. Wade is overturned, politics will never get better, says David Brooks at NYT "When Blackmun wrote the Roe decision, it took the abortion issue out of the legislatures and put it into the courts. If it had remained in the legislatures, we would have seen a series of state-by-state compromises reflecting the views of the centrist majority that's always existed on this issue. These legislative compromises wouldn't have pleased everyone, but would have been regarded as legitimate. Instead, Blackmun and his concurring colleagues invented a right to abortion, and imposed a solution more extreme than the policies of just about any other comparable nation."
Alexa swing by at 9:06 PM
Abortion fights crime"What sort of woman was most likely to take advantage of Roe v. Wade? Very often she was unmarried or in her teens or poor, and sometimes all three. What sort of future might her child have had? One study has shown that the typical child who went unborn in the earliest years of abortion would have been 50% more likely than average to live in poverty; he would have also been 60% more likely to grow up with just one parent. These two factors - childhood poverty and single-parent household - are among the strongest predictors that a child will have a criminal future.
"In other words, the very factors that drove millions of American women to have an abortion also seemed to predict that their children, had they been born, would have led unhappy and possibly criminal lives." *blinks* I am beyond psyched.
Alexa swing by at 8:58 PM
" We love abortion" .. Leftist weekly revels in being placed on LDI's boycott list.
Alexa swing by at 3:52 PM
Alexa swing by at 11:44 AM
We don't care what they say about you, we love you anyway.
Alexa swing by at 11:14 AM
What is so "controversial" about the new Pope?
Alexa swing by at 10:32 PM
Woman given miscarried babyA young woman who suffered a miscarriage in hospital later found her dead foetus in a plastic bag which had been accidentally handed to her family, it emerged yesterday. A nurse at Manchester Royal Infirmary gave the bag, marked "patient property", to the father as the family were being transferred by ambulance from accident and emergency to the maternity centre at St Mary's hospital.The nurse was understood to have assumed that the marked bag contained clothes. But some time later, as the 22-year-old woman prepared to leave St Mary's, she opened the bag and screamed in horror at what was inside.
Alexa swing by at 10:22 PM
Alexa swing by at 10:15 PM
Okay, I'm with Ratzinger on this... Homosexual advocacy group slams new Pope*ducks*
Alexa swing by at 10:03 PM
Mae Magouirk gets better..
Alexa swing by at 10:01 PM
Jonah Goldberg: Nancy Pelosi was not elected Pope. Shocker. "Some believe there is a radical left wing in the Catholic Church that seeks to unravel the teachings of John Paul II, but this is an exaggeration of the Western - particularly, the American - press. The notion that you could find any cardinal eager to change church policy on abortion, for example, is simply a fantasy concocted by liberal journalists." Read it all hereGet me a date with Jonah, can?
Alexa swing by at 9:58 PM
You better believe it... Bite me!
Alexa swing by at 11:54 AM
Enough of unconstitutional judicial filibusters, says Joe Mariani "When some members of Congress violate the Constitution, how can we have any confidence in their leadership? Yet that is precisely the effect these unlawful filibusters of judicial nominees are having -- undermining confidence in the Senate. Instead of voting yes or no on President Bush's picks for certain federal judgeships, Democrats are refusing to allow a vote to even take place, using a Senate rule that no motion may come to a vote while still under discussion. "
Alexa swing by at 11:35 AM
Over in Indiana, abortion providers must tell women about the availability of ultrasound imaging before ending their pregnancies, says a bill Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law today. The bill requires health care providers to present a pregnant woman with information on ultrasounds and the ability to hear fetal heartbeats. "An ultrasound image and the sound of a beating heart make it clear that an unborn child is not a blob of tissue, but a real child who is growing and developing in the womb," Indiana Right to Life executive director Mike Fichter said in a statement. The new legislation changes part of Indiana's informed consent law, which is currently under review by the Indiana Supreme Court. The court is debating whether privacy rights are violated by the state law, which requires women seeking an abortion to receive in person counseling about medical risks and alternatives and then wait at least 18 hours before having the procedure.
Alexa swing by at 11:19 AM
"(A) State which arrogates to itself the prerogative of defining which human beings are or are not the subject of rights, and which consequently grants to some the power to violate others' fundamental right to life, contradicts the democratic ideal to which it continues to appeal and undermines the very foundations on which it is built. "By allowing the rights of the weakest to be violated, the State also allows the law of force to prevail over the force of law. One sees, then, that the idea of an absolute tolerance of freedom of choice for some destroys the very foundation of a just mode of social life. The separation of politics from any natural content of law, which is the inalienable patrimony of everyone's moral conscience, deprives social life of its ethical substance and leaves it defenseless before the will of the strongest" - excerpts from a report the Holy Father made on the occasion of a 1991 consistory of cardinals, which formed the basis for Pope John Paul II's encyclical "Evangelium Vitae".  Pope Benedict XVI who is no stranger to the pro-life community, has been a strong voice for life and takes a strong stance on abortion and bioethics issues such as euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research.
Alexa swing by at 11:05 AM
We have a Pope! German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is Benedict XVI! Here is a translation of his first greeting, which he gave from the balcony of the facade of St. Peter's Basilica. Dear Brothers and Sisters:
After the great Pope, John Paul II, the Lord Cardinals have elected me, a simple, humble worker in the Lord's vineyard. I am consoled by the fact that the Lord is able to work and act with insufficient instruments and, above all, I rely on your prayers.
In the joy of the risen Lord, confident of his permanent help, let us go forward. The Lord will help us. Mary, his Most Holy Mother, is on our side. Thank you.
Alexa swing by at 10:04 AM
This is a great article: Moving pictures: Young mothers describe how ultrasound technology persuaded them to choose life for their children 8 in 10 centers report that "abortion-minded" women decide to keep their babies after seeing ultrasound images. Now, that I can personally testify to. Women have the tendency to change their minds after seeing the ultrasound image of their unborn BABIES. See now why Planned Parenthood and the likes supports the banning of these ultrasounds? Sherri has a plan: House Bill 2492 is headed to the Illinois State Senate Health and Human Services Committee! (the bill number remains the same as in the house). If we can get them to vote NO on this bill, it will DIE! BUT WE MUST HURRY AND ACT NOW! It is scheduled for a hearing on WEDNESDAY at 9:00 AM! Let's get moving before this hits the Senate floor and there is 10 times MORE work to do! Make sure they GET THE MESSAGE; tell them to vote NO on HB 2492. ALSO, Ron Stephenson needs our help on an EXECUTIVE ORDER by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Stay tuned for Information for Action tips on how to help Ron STOP THIS! ronen@senatedem.state.il.us ilsenate29@sbcglobal.net crotty@senatedem.state.il.us hunter@senatedem.state.il.us martinez@senatedem.state.il.us raoul@senatedem.state.il.us senatorraoul@sbcglobal.net schoenberg@senatedem.state.il.us carole@pankau.org Tsieben@geneseo.net Info@SenatorDaveSyverson.com Now- to get Righter, the ONLY thing I could find is this page. PLEASE ACT NOWHat tip: Sherri via Tim at Pro Life Blogs
Alexa swing by at 8:45 PM
"Our reaction toward the termination of our unborn, our smallest, our most defenseless, seems to be a direct representation of how we feel about all human beings. I used to think of Norma McCorvey as a turncoat, publicity-hungry, yellow brain-washed by the moral majority. Maybe she is, but now I'm not so sure."
Alexa swing by at 8:23 PM
Out of sorrow, love "My mother always dreamed of having one son become a doctor and another become a priest."The Holy Father's childhood
Alexa swing by at 8:14 PM
 Black smoke rose over the Sistine Chapel at midday on Tuesday, informing the faithful in St. Peter's Square that the cardinals sequestered inside the Sistine chapel had not yet chosen a new pope. The traditional signal of an inconclusive voting session came on schedule, just after noon. According to the schedule set in advance, the cardinals were to take two votes in the morning, burning the ballots and producing the telltale smoke after the second round of voting. They will meet again in the afternoon, again taking two votes. Unless a new Pope is chosen, black smoke will be seen again at about 7 in the evening, Rome time.
Alexa swing by at 7:35 PM
Alexa swing by at 2:11 PM
I've added some links on euthanasia on the left navigation, and will be adding more as we go along. Meanwhile, I have some tips for parents/new parents out there who might be grappling with the decision of what car would be best for your family. Click here to find out more.
Alexa swing by at 1:32 PM
Alexa swing by at 3:57 PM
Saw these at Sherri's and I'm going to post them here -- even though they could potentially upset some. 22 weeksYes, it's humanDiscard like garbageLump of cells? You tell me
Alexa swing by at 3:15 PM
Good news, folks! Clara's feeding tube re-connectedAfter nearly 30 days, Clara Martinez has had her feeding tube re-connected and is receiving nourishment. The Human Services Inspector General's office of the Governor intervened. Here, read the article by La Raza. Cao at Cao's Blog has one here too.
Alexa swing by at 2:51 PM
I stepped out in a sunlit grove Although deep down I wished it would rain Washing away all the sadness and tears That will never fall so heavily again Is the kindness we count upon Hidden in everyone?
Alexa swing by at 1:46 PM
Jonah Goldberg on the splendor of the Pope's truth: "Some of John Paul the Great's detractors saw his "social conservatism" as a contradiction to his criticism of capitalism run amok, or regarded his opposition to the death penalty as at odds with his opposition to abortion. John Paul confounded so many because his views on these and other issues were unswervingly consistent with a vision of the world bound not by the ideological categories of the moment but by the standards of eternity." Read it all here.
Alexa swing by at 1:22 PM
Tyler woke up crying in the middle of the night, and I don't know what to do because I couldn't make him stop. I wish his father is here, to hush him, take him in his arms and rock him back to sleep. Sometimes I think he knows... he knows all about it, and I could do nothing, nothing but keep being strong, and telling us that we will be okay. I guess it was never meant to be.. But it's just something we have no control over, and that's what destiny is. I know Daddy's not here right now and I don't know why, we feel how we feel inside.. but I promise you, promise you sweet Tyler, everything's gonna be alright.
Alexa swing by at 12:50 PM
Aborted foetuses from girls and young women are being exported from Ukraine for use in illegal beauty treatments costing thousands of pounds, The Observer can reveal. The foetuses are cryogenically frozen and sold to clinics offering 'youth injections', claiming to rejuvenate skin and cure a raft of diseases. Here, read it all. Hat tip: Tim at The Black Kettle
Alexa swing by at 9:01 PM
Woman gets third degree murder for kicking her pregnant romantic rival in the stomach, killing the unborn child.
Alexa swing by at 8:42 PM
Forgiven and set free"(My husband) stayed in the waiting room and after I came out, we never talked about it again," she said. "We shut the door and never opened it again. I wouldn't allow myself to think of it again." For years, seeing pro-life billboards along the highway made her cry. She'd turn her head every time they passed one, so her husband wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. She suffered low self-esteem and self-hatred following the abortion. "I wasn't able to forgive myself or accept what I had done," she said. "Fourteen years later I came back to the Lord. I knew Jesus died on the cross for our sins -- except for that one."
Alexa swing by at 8:37 PM
Alexa swing by at 8:04 PM
Here's an interesting one from Nathan at GOP Insight: Feeding tube to save SPY but not TerriMakes one wonder, doesn't it?
Alexa swing by at 7:54 PM
Mae Magouirk in the meantime, is recovering, according to her nephew, Ken Mullinax. We are hoping to start Mae on some real food either Sunday or Monday, says Dr. Aqel. She had quite a bit of a fluid buildup in her lungs but that problem was resolved yesterday.
She is still as weak as a new born kitten but increasingly coherent... I asked her today what was the first thing she wanted to eat when she was able and she smiled at me and said "a good chicken sandwich with lots of mayonnaise." Read Ken's update here.
Alexa swing by at 7:45 PM
Tim at Blogs for Terri has updates on Clara Martinez, the Chicago woman who is being starved to death (she has been without food for 29 days) -- please click here for case background and more. Earl has spoken to Pastor Guillermo Espinoza (who is defending the poor woman's life) and has clarified a couple of things here, and Sherri has an email from sources from Illinois in regards to Clara Martinez. It looks like we have a possible Michael Schiavo wannabe, folks... please visit Blogs for Terri for more on the latest. In the meantime, here's how you can help Clara: PROTEST PRAYER MEETING TODAY What: Join Pastor Espinoza at a Prayer and Protest Why: To pray for Clara Martinez (who has been without food for 29 days) and make known her plight to the community Where: 3939 West 59th Place, Chicago (near Pulaski Avenue) When: 3 pm Central Time - Sunday, April 17 - TODAY Please pray for and help Clara!
Alexa swing by at 7:11 PM
I'm adamantly pro-choice. I guess I'm a child of the '60s, and I remember one of my friends hemorrhaging on the bathroom floor because she'd just come back from Puerto Rico. What I see ahead is Roe v. Wade being chipped away every day by this hysterically frightened society. I find it horrifying. - Ellen Barkin on abortion
Alexa swing by at 7:06 PM
The 8th Annual Canadian March for Life May 11 - 13 2005 You can find details here. .. Because life is the only choice.
Alexa swing by at 7:03 PM
Abortion touristsWomen are flocking to Britain to get free abortions... "They come over and say they are staying with a sister or a family friend in an area where they do not need a doctor's referral. They then come to us saying they need an abortion urgently. Usually, if everything is approved, they could have the procedure within 10 days."
Alexa swing by at 6:49 PM
Terri wasn't abused? Or so the evidence says. Ian at The Political Teen has a video of Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson who explains the complaints of abuse of Terri Schiavo and the investigations of "illegal injections", bruises and other bodily marks were conducted.
Alexa swing by at 9:35 PM
Who says "inter-racial" unions are only popular amongst humans?
Alexa swing by at 9:33 PM
A funeral was held April 11 for a five-month-old fetus found at the county's wastewater treatment plant last week. About 50 people attended the funeral for John Paul, named after the late Pope by Our Lady of Victories Pro-Life Group that organized the funeral. Fr. Michael Krull, pastor at Our Lady of Victories Church, conducted the funeral.
Alexa swing by at 9:22 PM
If Planned Parenthood encourages it.. Banning ultrasounds without doctor's orderSince when does PP care about the well being of the unborn? Obviously they don't want their "potential clients" to see what is really inside their bodies. Especially if this affects crisis pregnancy centers..
Alexa swing by at 9:13 PM
Declining teen birthrates means less child poverty? Here...
Alexa swing by at 9:11 PM
Another Terri-like case -- this time in ChicagoClara Martinez, 39 years old and mother of two children aged five and seven years - had been almost 30 days without food and was still alive, taking only water. Martinez suffered a debilitating stroke a year ago and her husband Salvador Martinez, 35 years old and also Mexican, resolved that his wife should not live artificially. He signed a "Do Not Resuscitate" order that led to the disconnection of her feeding tube. Her situation would have gone unnoticed had it not been for the intervention of a pastor of the Hispanic Evangelical Church. Her family also opposes the husband's decision. According to the pastor, "she moved, opened her eyes, and when we prayed and sang together by her bedside, she blinked as though she was listening." He said it was also significant that, in spite of her condition, the woman was still "able to take water." "Last week when we were in her house we were singing and I talked to her and I said, 'Can you hear me. If you can, close your eyes.' And she did, she was responding." She also moves here head and hands in reponse to her mother, said Pastor Espinoza. More here and at Blogs for Terri
Alexa swing by at 8:52 PM
Alexa swing by at 7:58 PM
Old MacDonald had a farm Ee i ee i o... Well, somebody just learn how to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm and arrggh, I can't make him shut up. The boy is hooked on the song (thanks to Teddy) although he only manage the ee-i-ee-i-o part. And I thought hearing Barney all day was bad. Hmm. Anyone want to adopt him for a week? Brought him to Emily's for lunch today. I think Tyler and Ken had a blast fighting over the toys, mommy was just too busy having a tete-a-tete over some strawberry shortcake and lemon meringue pie which Teddy made (it's his grandmama's recipe and boy, I could eat them everyday) albeit the occasional screaming. Got a package from Chad today -- Tyler got an adorable mini denim jacket and khakis and some more toys and I got my Kate Spade sandals! Whee!
Alexa swing by at 7:51 PM
Jonah Goldberg: Disrobing our masters"Perhaps the best way to correct the courts' drift away from democratic accountability is to increase democratic accountability elsewhere. My unoriginal solution: real filibusters. Senators like the current filibuster rules because blame is diffused in the confusion of institutional logjam, parliamentary procedure and generic partisan squabbling. The old system required senators to pack a thermos and ramble from a podium for hours or days on end. Restoring the old-school filibuster would put a human face on these fights. It would give partisans someone to jeer and someone to cheer. It would create drama and force the media to explain why that fuddy old senator is reading from the phone book. And, best of all, it would allow voters to punish or reward specific senators at the polls for stopping the people's business. That would inject some democratic accountability into the only available vein. After all, nothing focuses the mind of a senator more than watching a colleague get fired - save perhaps seeing judges burn a cross on his lawn."
Alexa swing by at 9:00 PM
Sentenced to 50 years jail for beating his girlfriend's baby to deathThe autopsy also revealed other unspeakable acts against the baby, including using a lighter to burn his foot and fractures in both the boy's upper and lower legs.
Alexa swing by at 8:45 PM
Pregnant teenager fought killers, stabbed at least 16 times, gang trial jury is toldBrenda "Smiley" Paz also suffered several slashes on her left forearm, right thumb and right thigh, indicating that she tried to fight off her attackers, Dr. Carolyn Revercomb told a jury yesterday during the third day of testimony in the trial of four Mara Salvatrucha gang members charged with killing Miss Paz. "There were 16 stab wounds, at least; five to the left chest," Dr. Revercomb testifie Dr. Revercomb also told the jury that Miss Paz's 16-week-old male fetus did not survive the attack.
Alexa swing by at 8:39 PM
Alexa swing by at 8:27 PM
Another miscarriage-causing ex-boyfriend arrested.. This time the bastard is reported to have punched the 10 week pregnant woman in the stomach and sexually assaulting her.
Alexa swing by at 7:44 PM
Did Mike and Jodi meet before Terri's 1990 collapse? Apparently so, read more here.
Alexa swing by at 3:51 PM
Joe you dog, I'm having trouble concentrating here -- thanks to your voice mail *grins*
Alexa swing by at 3:47 PM
Judge Greer has ordered the release of the nine abuse reports related to Terri Schiavo furnished by the Department of Children and Families. Greer writes, " Public access to the abuse reports will shed light on the investigation and handling of previous allegations made between 2001 and 2004 and whether they differed significantly from the latest investigations in which the DCF attempted to intervene in the guardianship." More hereHat tip: Pat Campbell via Tim
Alexa swing by at 3:44 PM
Alexa swing by at 3:35 PM
Happy ending for grandma?: Sarah Foster at WorldNet Daily on Mae Magouirk: It appears there will be a happy ending to the story of Ora Mae Magouirk, the 81-year-old Georgia widow whose family has been at loggerheads over her medical care, visitation privileges and whether she should be "allowed to die" but now is reaching agreements on key issues. Today, attorneys on both sides agreed Magouirk's brother and sister, A.B. McLeod, 64, of Anniston, Ala., and Lonnie Ruth Mullinax, 74, of Birmingham, will be allowed to visit their sister during regular visiting hours at the University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center in Birmingham, where she is receiving treatment for an aortic dissection. Moreover, Jack Kirby, attorney for McLeod and Mullinax, told WorldNetDaily that under terms of the agreement, his clients will be allowed to talk directly to Magouirk's doctors about her condition, as opposed to having such information "filtered through third parties."
Alexa swing by at 3:31 PM
From Ken Mullinax's email to Blogs for Terri: UAB Medical Center spoke with Beth Gaddy and they arranged a humanitarian visit for Ken's Mom and her brother Buddy each day at 5:30 PM CST with no stipulations. Ken Mullinax's mother, Mae's sister, was allowed to visit with Mae 30 minutes late yesterday. "When I visited my Mom at the hospital early this morning she (Lonnie Ruth McLeod Mullinax-Mae's sister) told me, "I visited with sister Mae last evening and she looks so much better now. Mae opened her eyes and when she saw me said 'where you been Lonnie?' I asked her how she felt and she whispered 'I can't buck dance.' " Ken on Mae's condition: (1) Mom spoke to the charge nurse and Mae is listed as stable....that is fabulous for a women who was in hospice. (2) Mae has an IV in her arm and is being hydrated. (3) Mae has a temporary nasal feeding tube. (4) The charge nurse said Mae's heart is doing well. (5) Mae is cognizant. (6) Mae recognized Mom and spoke in sentences. (7) Mae is still speaking softly because her throat is still very sore from dehydration but she is speaking. (8) She is in the critical care unit but stable. Judge Boyd in the meantime, had recused himself from the case. Hat tip: Blogs for Terri, Straight Up with Sherri
Alexa swing by at 3:24 PM
Autistic Florida boy being discharged from care
Alexa swing by at 3:13 PM
And another poll shows that Catholics backed PJPII on the issue of abortion. The Quinnipiac Polling Institute poll found that two-thirds of Catholics oppose abortion in all or most cases. 80% of Catholics said the pope's traditional stance on issues such as abortion should stay the same. The poll also shows that American Catholics don't want the church to change its long-standing position.
Alexa swing by at 3:09 PM
Appeals court hears Nebraska's partial birth abortion case as the justice department seeks to overturn a ruling by a federal judge. U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf in Lincoln, Neb., ruled in September that Congress ignored the most experienced doctors in determining that the banned procedure would never be necessary. He said the ban contained an exception when the life - but not the health - of the mother is at risk. And he ruled that the ban posed an undue burden on a woman's right to an abortion.
Alexa swing by at 2:28 PM
Ken Mullinax discusses the Mae Magouirk situation on Hannity & Colmes. You can view the video here. Hat tip: Ian at The Political Teen
Alexa swing by at 1:07 PM
I want to share this story that my friend, Arthur sent me just a while ago: This story was written by a doctor who worked in South Africa.One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive; as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator) We also had no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in. Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates). "And it is our last hot water bottle!" she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways. "All right," I said, "put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm." The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died. During prayer time, one ten-year old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. "Please, God" she prayed, "Send us a hot water bottle today. It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon." While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, "And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?" As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say, "Amen". I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything, the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from the homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever, received a parcel from home. Anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator! Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the verandah, was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the... could it really be? I lift it and pulled it out yes, a brand new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could. Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, "if God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly too!" Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted! Looking up at me, she asked: "Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that Jesus really loves her?" Of course, He replied! That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it "that afternoon.'
Alexa swing by at 12:46 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:08 PM
Dispensing morality: Ellen Goodman is at it again. "How much further do we want to expand the reach of the individual conscience? Does the person at the checkout counter have an equal right to refuse to sell condoms? Does the bus driver have a right to refuse to let off customers in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic?"
Alexa swing by at 11:56 AM
Alexa swing by at 11:44 AM
Alexa swing by at 8:52 PM
Just follow the moneyFlorida Sen. James King has financial ties to hospice, Centonze/Schiavo"I believe that there is a heaven and that's where Terri Schiavo is going to go and that's a trip that's long overdue," Sen. James E. King Jr. (R-Jacksonville), former president of the Florida Senate, was quoted as saying as he blocked the legislation from proceeding after the House had passed a bill which would have reinserted the feeding tube withdrawn from her on March 18 and would have saved her life. Well, keep digging. You'll never know what else we'll find.
Alexa swing by at 8:31 PM
OOH lala... and I'm saving up for a new Mac.
Alexa swing by at 8:22 PM
Yeah sure, if you consider murder " not a crime". It's barbaric, you moron.
Alexa swing by at 8:11 PM
President Rodham Clinton? Radioblogger tells us why she can never be president. She reminds men of their shrill ex-girlfriends/wives. Hat tip: KLo
Alexa swing by at 8:01 PM
Tyler "munchkin" Rayne turns 1 year and 3 months today! Today is also the spring festival of Libertas, Roman goddess of liberty.
Alexa swing by at 2:54 PM
Meet the economist who figured out that legal abortion was behind dropping crime rates"Back in 1999, Mr. Levitt was trying to figure out why crime rates had fallen so dramatically in the previous decade. He was struck by the fact that crime began falling nationwide just 18 years after the Supreme Court effectively legalized abortion. He was struck harder by the fact that in five states crime began falling three years earlier than it did everywhere else. These were exactly the five states that had legalized abortion three years before Roe v. Wade . Did crime fall because hundreds of thousands of prospective criminals had been aborted? Once again, the pattern by itself is not conclusive, but once again Mr. Levitt piles pattern on pattern until the evidence overwhelms you. The bottom line? Legalized abortion was the single biggest factor in bringing the crime wave of the 1980s to a screeching halt."
Alexa swing by at 2:46 PM
Alexa swing by at 2:15 PM
The latest updates on the Mae Magouirk situation here. Tomorrow morning, Attorney Jack Kirby of LaGrange, Ga., will file a motion before Judge Boyd, on behalf of A. B. McLeod, which will ask the Judge to order Beth Gaddy to allow her Grandmother's brother and sister (A. B. McLeod, Lonnie Ruth Mullinax) visitation rights at UAB Hospital. Meanwhile, David Gibbs law firm will advise the McLeod-Mullinax family in regards to Mae Magouirk. Source: Blogs for Terri
Alexa swing by at 1:22 PM
Alexa swing by at 1:12 PM
Just what is Beth Gaddy's motives for placing her grandmother in a hospice (since there is no reason to place someone in a hospice except for them to die, plus the fact that she stands to inherit Mae's estate), and her refusal to allow her next of kin (which in this case is not her) to care for her? Richard has comments and an email from her nephew, Ken Mullinax here.
Alexa swing by at 1:06 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:47 PM
Oops, she did it again.. Britney is pregnant. Related news: Miscarriage scare
Alexa swing by at 12:43 PM
Alexa swing by at 12:31 PM
Alexa swing by at 8:25 PM
Alexa swing by at 4:03 PM
Listen to this... Impeachment or executive order can remove Greer from bench"According to Florida statutes and the state Constitution, there are several ways to remove Greer from the bench that he occupies without authority and to recover the monies which he has unlawfully collected since at least 1998 and perhaps since 1992. Gov Bush may remove him by executive order or the Florida Legislature could by impeachment proceedings. The Florida Supreme Court could also remove him on recommendation by the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission or either attorneys for the Schindlers or a private citizen could judicially challenge Greer's title to office in a writ of prohibition or mandamus proceeding. Florida statutes require that in the case when a person who has allegedly been elected or appointed to office vacates the office by failing to qualify within 30 days of beginning of his term, the Governor is required to file an executive order with the Secretary of State setting forth the facts which give rise to the vacancy. The office is considered vacant as of the date specified in the executive order, which in Greer's case would be at least Jan. 5, 1999. According to public records, George Greer failed to qualify to be a candidate, could not appear on the ballot and could not be elected. Circuit court judges are also subject to removal from office by legislative impeachment for misdemeanor in office pursuant to Article III, Section 17 of the Florida Constitution. The house of representatives by a two-thirds vote has the power to impeach an officer and the speaker of the house of representatives, currently Allan Bense, has the power at any time to appoint a committee to investigate charges against any officer subject to impeachment. "
Alexa swing by at 4:01 PM
There will be memorial services for Terri -- details as follows: April 12, 2005 Immaculate Conception Church 121 East Duval Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 Time: 12:10 PM April 15, 2005Our Lady of Good Counsel 611 Knowles Ave Southampton, PA Time: 7:30 PM Phone: 215-357-1300
Alexa swing by at 3:32 PM
Joyce Prouty Schneider spent years punishing herself with guilt for a single decision made in 1985 - a decision to have an abortion. Finding healing after abortion"When it was over, she felt the guilt immediately. She got off of the operating table, went home and began to drink. She wanted to do anything to numb the pain she was feeling. Trying to hide from these painful feelings became a reoccurring theme as she lived a life of work and partying. "The crazy thing was all I ever wanted to be was a wife and mother" " Hat tip: Emily at After Abortion
Alexa swing by at 3:04 PM
Terri is gone, I hope liberals are happyHere's one by Steve Darnell: "Murder with the pretense of compassion is a very dangerous thing. Adolph Hitler used the same argument in the 1930's. Hitler's sickening murder of the handicapped and his treatment of Jews in Germany led to the slaughter of millions of innocent people. Now that a precedent has been set in the Schiavo case I wonder who will be the next victims of liberal compassion. Children competing in the Special Olympics? Maybe Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her liberal posse can have some fun drowning kittens or kicking a few puppies. Wait, I forgot. There are laws protecting innocent kittens and puppies from cruelty.Too bad Terri Schiavo wasn't an endangered species in a "persistent vegetative state". Maybe PETA or the ACLU would have come to her rescue. I find it strange how liberals will hold silent protests and candlelight vigils to save a murdering pedophile from the execution chamber, but will boisterously fight to end the life of an innocent woman. By the way, is it just me, or was anyone else confused about Terri's "persistent vegetative state"? I for one have never seen someone in a "persistent vegetative state" smile or move his or her eyes while following a balloon. But then again I am not a doctor, a liberal or a Supreme Court Judge. So I must be wrong. Anyway, it is all over now. Terri is dead. I hope the liberals around the world are happy. After six years of waging war with the Bush administration they finally won a small battle by killing an innocent young woman. But what the heck. A victory is a victory. Right Liberals?" Hat tip: Richard at Blogs for Terri
Alexa swing by at 2:44 PM
Judge Boyd tells his side of the story: A Blogs for Terri exclusive on the Mae Magouirk caseYou can read Judge Boyd letter and Richard's observations and comments here. A person could only be put in a hospice for one reason, and one reason only - to die. What possibly could happen to a living person requiring medical care than to be placed in a hospice where the living person requiring medical care could not get it and would die? Magouirk's family denied access
Alexa swing by at 2:05 PM
From NRLC: A couple of action itemsFunding embryo-killing researchUrge your federal representatives to oppose research that kills human embryos, and to oppose the Castle-DeGette and Specter-Harkin bills, by calling their offices through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or click here to send them appropriate e-mail messages through the NRLC Legislative Action Center. For an always-current list of cosponsors of S. 471 (currently 18), click here. For an always-current list of cosponsors of H.R. 810 (currently 187), click here. Parental notificationUrge your federal representatives to support the parental notification legislation, the Child Custody Protection Act (S. 403) and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) (H.R. 748) by calling their offices through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or click here to send them appropriate e-mail messages through the NRLC Legislative Action Center. For an always-current lists of cosponsors of S. 8 (currently 37), click here. For an always-current list of cosponsors of H.R. 748 (currently 109), click here. Unborn Child Pain Awareness ActUrge your federal representatives to support the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (S. 51, H.R. 356) by calling their offices through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or by click here to send them appropriate e-mail messages through the NRLC Legislative Action Center. For an always-current list of cosponsors of S. 51 (currently 34), click here. For an always-current list of cosponsors of H.R. 356 (currently 112), click here. RU 486Urge your federal representatives to support the RU-486 Suspension and Review Act (S. 511, H.R. 1079) by calling their offices through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or by sending them e-mail messages through the NRLC Legislative Action Center, here. NOTE: Please help NRLC's lobbying efforts on these bills by sending a copy of any response you receive from a Member of Congress to the NRLC Federal Legislation Department. You can forward them by email to Legfederal@aol.com , by fax to 202-347-3668, or by U.S. mail to NRLC Federal Legislation, 512-10th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20004.
Alexa swing by at 1:37 PM
Disabled baby in need of adoption... the same one from Ashli's which I posted last week, no?
Alexa swing by at 9:59 PM
Terri's siblings speak out..
Alexa swing by at 1:43 PM
Karol Wojtyla: What God did with this man"It could have been different. Karol Wojtyla could have insisted on being an actor. He could have insisted on being a university professor. He could have become a full-time poet. He could have clung to the things he thought were valuable in his personality and asserted them. He may have made a mark on the world of some kind. But instead he lost himself in God's plan, handed over his talents, did what he was supposed to do - and achieved more than any man or woman in memory."
Alexa swing by at 12:38 PM
A woman talks about how she was raped in her own home, how she became pregnant with and thereafter loving her attacker's child. Loving the rapist's child"To have my doctor tell me that I had conceived was like hearing a judge sentence me to carry a lifelong reminder of the rape. My trust in God began to tremble. It's easy to chant pro-life songs when you're standing in front of an abortion clinic holding a cardboard sign. But the melody is different when you're on the other side of the poster, faced with the reality that your life is about to change dramatically - forever." Hat tip: Jeanette at Oh how I love Jesus
Alexa swing by at 12:15 PM
Richard at Blogs for Terri has an update on the Mae Magouirk situation, along with an email from Ken Mullinax which clarifies a number of things. Blogs for Terri also has the opportunity to have a tele-conversation with Judge Boyd (Judge Boyd has also agreed to provide Blogs ForTerri with his views and opinions in the matter -- not legal opinions but his personal opinions -- on Monday) and has offered to post a letter from Beth Gaddy explaining her side of the story. This offer is being conveyed through Judge Boyd. More as we go along.
Alexa swing by at 11:59 AM
Man has been given a sublime dignity, based on the intimate bond which unites him to his Creator: in man there shines forth a reflection of God Himself - Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life
Alexa swing by at 8:13 PM
An alternative way to remember your pet: Think "Cruella DeVille"
Alexa swing by at 8:03 PM
Be horrified... Scottish hospitals admit abortions at 34 weeks, law permits if child is seriously handicapped but does not define handicap
Alexa swing by at 7:59 PM
Magouirk airlifted to medical centerMae Magouirk has been transported from the hospice in LaGrange, Ga., to the University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center, according to her nephew, where "she is receiving food, fluids, cardiac care and neurological help." Because of your articles and all of the friends of Terri, my Aunt Mae Magouirk is now in the University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center and is receiving food, fluids, cardiac care and neurological help. We are overjoyed.
Praise be the name of the Lord, praise be all of the friends of Terri Schindler [Schiavo]. We could never have mobilized public sentiment and pressure on these people in LaGrange, Ga. - at Hospice, the LaGrange, Ga., doctors or the probate judge - unless the friends of Terri and the wonderful media of WorldNetDaily.com had become involved. Thank you all. It is not over, folks -- the opposition is still trying to get her back to the hospice, and under the terms of an April 4 court order, Magouirk's medical treatment was to be decided by three cardiologists tasked with deciding what treatment would be best and where it should take place. The latest updates at Blogs for Terri.
Alexa swing by at 7:41 PM
Alexa swing by at 7:25 PM
Some learn it the hard way, while some just keep doing it over and over and over again.. Okay, story time
Alexa swing by at 7:19 PM
We are on a train headed for hell, says Ginger Berlin"After 9-11, Americans embraced each other. We were united because of a national tragedy, because life was stolen from us. Today, we ar confronted with yet another perverse tragedy - life is again being taken from us and our courts mandate it to happen."
Alexa swing by at 7:02 PM
Alexa swing by at 9:51 PM
Abortion is doctors' main focus after Down's diagnosisA new study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology shows a bias in favor of abortion from doctors who inform women on their options with a prenatal diagnosis of Down's Syndrome.
Alexa swing by at 9:49 PM
Exposed: Belgium baby euthanasia Nearly half the newborn babies who died in Flanders over a recent year-long period were euthanasia, a new study says
Alexa swing by at 9:17 PM
Mae Margouirk: New story, same twist Starring Beth Gaddy as Michael Schiavo and Judge Donald Boyd as Judge Greer Several weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital after an aorta dissection. Her conditions was determined to be severe and she was transferred to an intensive care unit. Claiming that she held Magouirk's power of attorney, Gaddy had her transferred to Hospice-LaGrange, a 16-bed unit owned by the same family that owns the hospital. Once at the hospice, Gaddy stated that she did not want her grandmother fed or given water. "Grandmama is old and I think it is time she went home to Jesus," Gaddy told Magouirk's brother and nephew, McLeod and Ken Mullinax. "She has glaucoma and now this heart problem, and who would want to live with disabilities like these?" Mae has a Living Will which states that fluids and nourishment were to be withheld only if she were either comatose or "vegetative," and she is neither. Nor is she terminally ill, which is generally a requirement for admission to a hospice. The dehydration is being done in defiance of Mae's specific wishes, and without agreement of her closest living next-of-kin, two siblings and a nephew: A. Byron McLeod, Ruth Mullinax and Ruth Mullinax's son, Ken Mullinax. Gaddy, claimed to have a medical power of attorney, but only had a financial power of attorney. Once the hospice became aware of the situation, it prepared to have the feeding tube inserted. But before they could have Magouirk transported to a hospital, Gaddy and her brother, Michael Shane Magouirk obtained emergency gardianship over her grandmother from Probate Court Judge Donald W. Boyd. In her petition Gaddy argued that "irreparable harm" would occur to Magouirk if she were removed from Hospice. Fr. Rob has more here and hereMae's life in the hands of three cardiologistUnder the terms of an April 4 court order, La Grange cardiologists James Brennan and Thomas Gore, and Dr. Raed Aquel, of UAB Medical Center, Birmingham, are to evaluate Magouirk and decide what treatment would be best and where it should take place. But while the doctors ponder her condition, it is not certain if Magouirk has had a nasal feeding tube inserted for nourishment or an IV for hydration. According to Magouirk's nephew, Ken Mullinax, 45, his aunt has been without substantial food or hydration for 10 days. See also: Message from Ken Mullinax via Blogs for TerriHow you can help Mae: List of people and places to contact to SAVE MAE! Division of Aging Services at 404-657-5319 or go to the Division's website at www.aging.dhr.georgia.gov and click on Publications on the left. For information, contact: Edna Jackson; 404-657-1386 edjackson@dhr.state.ga.us Sonja Flanagan at the Georgia Department of Family and Children's services - she oversees all the hospices in Georgia. Her telephone number is (404)657-5445 and her email address is stflanag@dhr.state.ga.us. Mike Leavett Secretary The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Telephone: 202-619-0257 Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775 Probate Judge Donald Boyd Phone: 706-883-1690 Email: dboyd@troupco.org Office of the Attorney General Thurbert E. Baker Phone: 404-656-3300 Fax: 404-657-8733 Criminal Justice Division: The State Healthcare Fraud Control Unit of the Law Department works in conjunction with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Audits and is responsible for prosecuting cases of medicaid fraud and patient abuse in facilities receiving medicaid funding. Mary Beth WestmorelandDeputy Attorney GeneralCriminal Justice Division Phone : 404-656-3349 FAX : 404-651-6459 State Bar of Georgia.President Rob Reinhardt Phone : 229-382-6135 FAX : 229-386-594 Email: rreinhardt@rwws.com Georgia Dept of Human Resources REPORT ABUSE: Phone : 404-657-9639 FAX WRITTEN REPORT TO : 404-657-5737 Troup County DFCS 504 East Depot StreetLaGrange, Georgia 30241-4631 Director: Willie Rutledge Phone : 706-845-4200 FAX : 706-845-4221 Finally, there are City Officials: Tom Hall, City Manager Phone : 706-883-2010 Meg Kelsey, Assistant City ManagerCity Hall - 3rd Floor200 Ridley Avenue Phone : 706-883-2000 Fax : 706-883-2020 Lukken, Jeff - Mayor 706-883-2010 Dekmar, Lou - Chief of Police 706-883-2612 Edmondson, Rev Willie - City Councilman 706-882-7817Gore, Dr Tom - City Councilman 706-884-2641 Moore, George - Mayor Pro Tem 706-884-5923 The HHSC Office of Inspector General. It investigates Medicare/Medicaid fraud: http://oig.hhs.gov/contact.html By Phone: 202 619-1343 By Fax: 202 260-8512By E-Mail: paffairs@oig.hhs.gov By Mail: Office of Inspector GeneralOffice of Public AffairsDepartment of Health and Human Services Room 5541 Cohen Building330 Independence Avenue, S.W.Washington, D.C. 20201 (Thanks, Sherri, Fr Rob and Blogs for Terri)
Alexa swing by at 9:08 PM
Senator Martinez aide resigns over Schiavo memoThe Florida senator has admitted that the memo, which called the Schiavo case "a great political issue", was written by a senior member of this staff. Sen Martinez said the document was not approved by him or any other member of his staff, "nor were we aware of its existence until very recently". The author of the memo,unnamed, has resigned his position.
Alexa swing by at 7:57 PM
Pope John Paul II to women who have had abortions: "I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will be able to ask forgiveness from your child, who is now living in the Lord. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life. Through your commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children or by welcoming and caring for those most in need of someone to be close to them, you will become promoters of a new way of looking at human life." - extracted from his encyclical letter, Evengelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), paragraph 99, published March 25, 1995
Alexa swing by at 7:12 PM
Abortion in Russia: Every third abortion ends in patient's deathWith two million abortions performed every year, only 1.5 children were actually being born. Badly performed abortion kill every third patient and leave many infertile for the rest of their lives.
Alexa swing by at 7:03 PM
The press is picking up the Mae Magouirk case -- here's one from 11Alive News... this is a good start I think.
Alexa swing by at 6:42 PM
By the way... My mother is officially divorced today. (Which means I'm now the head of the household) How cool is that? If I've killed one man, I've killed two -- The vampire who said he was you And drank my blood for a year, Seven years, if you want to know.
Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through.
Alexa swing by at 6:43 PM
Alexa swing by at 6:15 PM
While speaking to one of the CBR volunteers, we were interrupted by a rather impulsive man who was clearly unsettled by the photographs. He complained that these pictures should not be out in the Brickyard where they were, right beside the Atrium. "Do you realize," he said rather irately, "how many people are going to lose their lunch because of this?" Perhaps engulfed in a torrent of emotions myself, I quickly responded, "But sir, would you rather someone lose their lunch, or a child lose their life?" The barbarity disgusts you. Well, surprise, surprise. But pictures don't lie... "How can we call real-life pictures of abortion "sensationalism" yet call the steady, unending stream of violence and cruelty at the box office "art" or tokens of The First Amendment? We welcome killing and violence when it arouses us over a bag of popcorn but call them unnecessary and sensationalist when they point to the blood on our own hands."
Alexa swing by at 5:29 PM
Nebraska abortions down 10%... More here.
Alexa swing by at 5:05 PM