The Women's Right to Know Act: A federal judge in Montgomery, Alabama has approve of the distribution of informational materials to women who are considering abortion.
Alexa swing by at 5:54 PM
So will I choose death in the face of a life-threatening disease over the death of my unborn child, just so that he'll live? I'll do it in a heartbeat. Because I know I wouldn't be able to live knowing that I chose my life over his, just so that I may live.
Alexa swing by at 5:16 PM
Today I wake up and smell my vanilla munchkin and I feel so, so glad that I did what I did. I'm just so glad I have him, I thank God everyday for this blessing. He was asleep, so pink and so perfect, he looked like an angel. Who'd have thought someone like me could have something so perfect?
I think I would die if I lost him.
A child has no price
Alexa swing by at 11:52 AM
Students march for life. In bright read T-shirts which read "You can't be catholic and pro-abortion", they march across the country from Maine to DC to spread their message.
Alexa swing by at 2:36 PM
New ultrasound uncovers first-ever pictures of unborn babies at 12 weeks "walking" in the womb.
Amazing, isn't this?
Alexa swing by at 1:54 PM
Updates on the PBA trial in New York: In a stunning admission last week, NAF attorney in his closing arguments, told court that women don't need to know abortion risks
Alexa swing by at 1:33 PM
So Tyler got his first birthday party invite ever - thanks to Uncle Loobs. That should be interesting, because it would be his first time around munchkins (I mean, loads of 'em). I'm sure he'd love it though - now let's just hope Uncle Moses would let me have the Saturday off.
Rob appeared on my doorstep last evening with loads of toys and stuff for the little munchkin. I don't know what to say (I'm sure Teddy would be laughing his ass off right now). I guess I'm kind of glad since I'll have good food (YEAH!) for the next two weeks or so, besides he'll be able to watch Tyler while I'm at work. They are out at the zoo right now, by the way, along with mom, Aunt Renee and my sister.
Teddy arrives Saturday too, and I'm really forward to sailing this weekend.
Alexa swing by at 12:32 PM
"Abortion on demand, combined with ever more rigorous screening of children in the womb, has provided the perfect backdoor for other eugenic obsessions to quietly slip back into American life.
According to a front page article in Sunday's New York Times, upwards of 500 medical conditions can be diagnosed by tests on fetal cells "with more than 100 tests added in the last year alone." And, as literally hundreds of science fiction novels predicted, those of us who fail to measure up to the state of normalcy determined by society-at-large are getting the axe in utero.
The results are fairly ugly. For starters, more Down's Syndrome children are now aborted than born. Not for any lack of sentience or capacity for joy or love, they simply move too slowly for modern tastes. Unborn children at risk for cystic fibrosis, expected to live 35 to 40 years, are also increasingly not worth the trouble. Tragic as the disease might be, we never react to the death of an 18-year-old in a car accident by wishing they'd never been born. Exactly how many years must people live before their lives are considered worthwhile?"
Alexa swing by at 1:54 PM
I managed to do a bit of baking today, and I am glad. Sometimes I think I miss doing these little things, I miss spending my afternoons with Tyler, I miss hearing him laugh and coo excitedly while I complete my chores, but work is my bane. I'd love to be a full time mommy again, and I hope I don't have to do this for long, because I hate being away from him.
Mom called today and asked me to tune in to this soap on a neighbouring channel which features illegal abortion. Girl tells bastard boyfriend she's with child, and b-b made girl abort, even though she wants to have the child. b-b then brought girl to some quack abortionist for a back alley abortion. Girl felt sick and was in a lot of pain halfway through the abortion, and they left without completing the procedure. Meanwhile, girl's condition worsen and she was bleeding profusely, I think they dumped "it" by the road. And at that point, I was sicken to death enough to turn off the TV. I wonder at what point has that super conservative channel decided to broadcast this sick, sick interpretation of the ugliness of back alley abortions.
Alexa swing by at 5:16 PM
HEADS UP: Remix of Usher song advocates abortion, violence against pregnant women
"Pray that she abort that, If she's talkin' 'bout keepin' it / One hit to the stomach, She's leakin' it" Nice. Preaching violence towards the weak, the helpless. This is a classic example of the extent irresponsible bastards would go just so not to take bloody responsibility.
Day Gardner, director of Black Americans for Life, an African-American pro-life group, says the lyrics are "demeaning and outright violent toward both women and unborn children."
"It is appalling to suggest that a man attack a woman to cause the death of her unborn child," Gardner said. "As women and as mothers, we simply cannot allow ourselves or our unborn children to be treated as objects of such abuse."
Alexa swing by at 9:16 AM
Who wants a "defective" baby?: One woman's testimony of having a Down syndrome child and how her death transformed the lives of those who met her
Alexa swing by at 5:35 PM
Air pollution can damaged the lungs of unborns, says WHO.
Alexa swing by at 5:33 PM
If you have some money to spare, please, use it to help the less fortunate or those in dire need. You don't have to be bloody rich to be a philanthropist or do good (but I know that some of you are.. ahem.. "big, bald, ugly and bloody loaded"). Go read The Cell.
Alexa swing by at 1:58 PM
Here's news about a proposal in Congress that warrants our full support. H.R. 4543, the Post-Abortion Depression Research and Care Act, sponsored by Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Pa., calls for $15 million to research the emotional impact of abortion and also creates a grant program to fund the development of treatment programs for women who suffer from post-abortion depression. (Thanks to After Abortion)
Please contact your legislators and ask them to co-sponsor this bill.
Please support also The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR 4420 & S 2466). An unborn child not only experience pain, but the pain is probably more intense than we think. And this bill requires doctors to inform women considering an abortion about the pain their child would feel. If the woman goes ahead with the abortion, she has the option of providing anesthesia for her preborn baby. So again I ask that you ask your legislators to support this bill, currently in committee.
Alexa swing by at 11:42 AM
"The media continues to report that the Reagan 'family' is in favor of [embryonic] stem cell research, when the truth is that two members of the family have been long time foes of this process of manufacturing human beings -- my dad, Ronald Reagan during his lifetime, and I," Michael Reagan writes in an editorial.
"Moreover, using the widely promoted and thoroughly discredited argument that stem cell research can lead to a cure of Alzheimer's disease, the media and proponents of stem cell research have suggested that had the research been done a long time ago, my dad might have avoided the ordeal he endured," Reagan explains. "This is junk science at its worst."
Alexa swing by at 11:17 AM
Today I held on to Tyler and I feel like I couldn't, like I didn't want to let go of him. I couldn't bear to be away from him, even for a couple of hours and each day, it just gets more and more difficult. My sister came by to pick him up and I'm still holding him and she had to take him away and reminded me that I had to get to the office before Uncle Moses scream. And then he cries, and my heart broke. I don't want to go to work, I screamed, in silence.
The last couple of days have been difficult. I'm feeling what I'm feeling and it scares me. Please, Lord, don't let me fade away not knowing who I was.
Alexa swing by at 10:35 AM
Action: Please, follow the link and pick up the phone or drop a mail, and help put a stop to abortion.
Alexa swing by at 1:34 PM
Whoever says that morning-after pills does not terminate babies? The morning-after pill is an abortifacient. It stops conception (see how it works here), irritates the lining of the uterus so the body rejects and ruin the implantation of the newly conceived life, and induce early abortion. Abortion is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a tiny human being - a life that begins at fertilization.
Alexa swing by at 10:18 AM
This is a post from Annie about a special memorial which will be set up in DC next week by a 23-year-old woman named Krissy. If you'd like to be a part of this or have your baby's name included, please follow the link and drop Annie an email by friday.
Blessed be.
Alexa swing by at 9:47 AM
Agonizing choices. Is physical defects, disabilities, diseases reason enough to end a pregnancy?
What defect, if any, is reason enough to end a pregnancy that was very much wanted? Shortened limbs that could be partly treated with growth hormones? What about a life expectancy of only a few months? What about 30 years? Or a 20 percent chance of mental retardation?
Will there ever a good enough reason, I wonder?
Alexa swing by at 6:17 PM
You HAVE TO read this - amazing story. God works in mysterious ways. It is He who gives, He who decides and He who can take it away, and Him alone, not us. And for what it's worth, this mother chose to give her life - selflessly for her little girl. Bless 'em both.
Alexa swing by at 2:42 PM
I think I posted the article about a couple who decided against abortion and decided to carry their dying child earlier this month. Here is an interview with the Herald Sun, sunday.
Alexa swing by at 1:59 PM
Updates on PBA injunctions: Federal Court in New York has strong evidence to uphold ban
Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a pro-life law firm, says that the government's attorneys presented a compelling case for the law's constitutionality. "The taking of the life of a partially born child with this procedure is barbaric and should be off-limits to the medical community. We're hopeful that the court will conclude that the ban is necessary and constitutional," Sekulow said.
The ACLJ has filed an amicus brief on behalf of 26 members of Congress with the federal district court in New York in support of the constitutionality of the ban. The brief, posted on their website, contends that the government has a "vital and compelling interest" in preventing the spread of the practice of abortion into infanticide.
The brief states: "Partial-birth procedures represent the beachhead of abortion's assault on postnatal life, the bridge between abortion and infanticide."
Theresa at After Abortion attended court and have updates and after-thoughts on the closing arguments here.
Alexa swing by at 1:28 PM
I just got word from Jenny today that Dr John has left for Oz for two years. I feel like crying. Dr John was the best doctor I ever had. (You probably don't know about this, "Barbie", but Jenny just told me) Where on earth am I gonna find another obs/gyn who's as good as he is? Will the new obs/gyn be able to fill in his shoes? Dammit, dammit, dammit.
Alexa swing by at 1:12 PM
Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast, and there's no beast more savage than a cranky Tyler. Children of all ages are quieted by music, and studies have shown that babies who are sung to (yes, I SING) early in their lives tend to speak and read slightly earlier than others. In addition to singing, musical mobiles and music boxes provide endless fascination for babies at this stage.
Alexa swing by at 6:19 AM
Alexa swing by at 3:55 PM
Here, have a read at Ashli's post at the SICLE Cell. Let's all do our bit - to save women and unborn children.
Alexa swing by at 12:46 PM
This is it. A new study published in this month's American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse strengthens the case for a causal connection between abortion and substance abuse. The study found that among women who had unintended first pregnancies, those who had abortions were more likely to report, an average of four years later, more frequent and recent use of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. Researchers report that the elevated rates of substance use among women who had abortions might be linked to higher levels of anxiety, depression, and unresolved grief which have been measured in other studies of women with a history of abortion.
Alexa swing by at 12:40 PM
Business must be good, eh?
While we are on the subject of Planned Parenthood, *horrors* apparently the Girl Scouts organization in Nebraska has hired a former lobbyist to lead the 11,000 member organization for girls.
Alexa swing by at 12:20 PM
Guess who I just talked to? I just had a two-hour chat with Stephanie. Thank you, darlin'. I think God must have led me to you.
My prayers are with you.
Alexa swing by at 12:09 AM
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
or help one fainting robin
unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
- Emily Dickinson
Alexa swing by at 2:36 PM
Tyler and I celebrate Litha today, the midsummer solstice. A celebration of light's triumph over darkness and that of the bountiful beauty that light brings into life. It is a good time for healing, purification and energy renewal. We had a private celebration; the altar's set, the house is decorated with pink and ivory candles and bright cheery daisies, roses and wildflowers. Tyler even got a bright new Baby Gap jumpsuit for the occasion, thanks to his Aunt Jules. He was a charmer, as always, he simply loves to be carried. Much feasting as anticipated, courtesy of my "weekend chef", who's lovely enough to cook up a storm. All in all, it was truly a wiccan affair, and I think our guests had a great time, even though we could not do the traditional spiral dance or bonfire (purification). Beat.
p.s. My hospital trip in Daisies.
Alexa swing by at 11:44 PM
More babies abandoned. Christ. The newborn baby girl was found in lying in waste at the bottom of the toilet, according to a police report from the Monterey County Sheriff's Office, and is in critical condition.
Alexa swing by at 12:29 PM
Did you know that today, in 1988, is the first publicized Wiccan handfasting between Margot Adler and her love?
If you don't know, handfasting is a Wiccan/Pagan marriage ceremony which traditionally takes place at a specified period of time (depending on one's tradition). During the ceremony, the bride and groom's hands are bound together with a cord as they made their vows. This may last for as long as the ceremony lasts, or in some traditions, it is not untied until the marriage is physically consummated. In most traditions today, it may mean a non-state registered wedding or one in which a marriage license is filed. For some it is a year and a day, renewable "so long as love shall last" and for others a commitment to be together through many lives.
Alexa swing by at 11:13 AM
Here I am again, and missing you. Tyler Rayne, my light, my life. There is nowhere else I rather be right now, than home. Home with you.
I'll be home soon.
Alexa swing by at 10:37 AM
Why are these irresponsible bastards killing their BABIES?
Alexa swing by at 4:29 PM
Australia to introduced Unborn Victims of Violence law to protect pregnant mothers and their unborn children. "Byron's Law" comes just as a 21-year-old man was sentenced to ten years in prison for maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm upon Kylie Flick, 19, who was pregnant at the time of the assault.
Flick's unborn baby was killed after she was punched and kicked (registration req) her in the front yard of her Yagoona home in August of 2002. Philip King, with whom Flick had a one night stand, stomped on her stomach six or seven times after she fell to the ground. King had tried to coerce Flick into obtaining an abortion and had told two friends he would give them $500 if they punched her in the stomach.
Doctors say Flick may never be able to have children as a result of the assault.
Ms. Flick told the Sydney Morning Herald, "I don't think a life sentence will be long enough.. it's still nothing compared to what he has taken."
Flick's father Steve told the Australian newspaper the family was devastated when an ultrasound showed the baby had no heartbeat following the attack.
"If anybody can imagine how that feels -- to stand there and watch your daughter with her unborn child not alive inside her," Mr. Flick said outside the courtroom. "I think the unfortunate thing that's been lost here and the one that's been forgotten is the poor child ... this is not something that just occurred; this was planned and it's representative of the value of the child's life."
"Ten years -- that's what a child's life is worth. I'm sorry, but my children's lives are worth considerably more than that," Flick added.
Alexa swing by at 12:07 PM
A dozen protestors were arrested Wednesday in a Kansas abortion clinic where late-term abortions are performed. The protesters got down on their knees and started praying, blocking the entrance to the parking lot of America's infamous abortionist George Tiller's clinic.
Alexa swing by at 11:41 AM
Local residents held a press conference and protest in front St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City Wednesday. According to a press release from the Society for Truth and Justice, which is organizing the event, the purpose of the vigil is two fold: To implore His Eminence Edward M. Egan to publicly state that any politician or candidate that supports abortion is not permitted to receive communion in this diocese; and to reinforce that no Catholic can in good conscience vote for any candidate from any party for any office who supports the killing of unborn children by abortion.
Alexa swing by at 5:50 PM
Girls as young as 11 are having abortions! And what does that shows? That we as a society have not met the needs of women, that we as parents have failed our children.
Alexa swing by at 5:39 PM
Kenyan prosecutors charged a gynaecologist and two nurses with murder on Tuesday after street boys found 15 aborted foetuses on the outskirts of the capital Nairobi.
Alexa swing by at 5:34 PM
Fancy a romantic horse picnic trip?
Bid now. (Bidding starts at $1.25)
Alexa swing by at 10:21 AM
Alexa swing by at 10:01 AM
Here's a personal testimony about the breast cancer/abortion link.
Alexa swing by at 4:31 PM
Tell me this isn't happening.
Meanwhile, White House spokesperson Scott McClellan said that the president will not go back on his position against federal funding of stem cell research. " The president doesn't believe we should be creating life for the sole purpose of destroying life," McClellan explained.
Alexa swing by at 1:31 PM
I had no books, no help and no support (so to speak) when I was expecting Tyler. All I had was my will power. But you don't have to be, because there are support groups and crisis pregnancy centers and countless resources out there, and right here.
I found these books which I thought might help, for a start. For those who are going through what I went through:
Pregnant and Blown off: When Abortion is not an option
Having your baby when others say no
Abortion. Not an ocean of tears or a lifetime can make you whole again.
Alexa swing by at 10:50 AM
Dear Lord, please be with me. Help me find my way to you. And let me be the mother that my child truly deserves.
Alexa swing by at 9:00 AM
I don't need no Prada, Fendi or Jimmy Choos. I just want one of these (click to see rosary) :
Having a baby changes everything. It makes me realise how unimportant a lot of things are.
Alexa swing by at 11:42 PM
Another abandoned baby. And this time, savior turns out to be mom.
Alexa swing by at 5:05 PM
Priests for Life's Fr Frank Pavone on catholics, abortion and the Iraq war:
"One may support the war precisely because he or she is pro-life and concludes that in this case, force is the only way to protect human life, human rights, and human freedom from the hands of those who would destroy it.
Do not miss the profound difference with abortion. There is no room for interpretations or evaluations of whether abortion may be justified. It cannot be, because its very essence is the deliberate targeting and destruction of a child. In war, we do not target a single child, whereas every abortion targets a child. Catholic teaching allows more than one position on war, but it does not allow more than one position on abortion."
Alexa swing by at 10:50 AM
I picked this site off After Abortion, thanks to Annie.
She's only 18.
Alexa swing by at 8:55 AM
Kenyan bishops came together the last week of May for a funeral mass for 15 aborted babies found on the shores of the Ngong' River. At the service, Right Reverend Cornelius Arap Korir said, " The terrible holocaust of abortion should be stopped," according to a Reuters news story. Nairobi's basilica was filled to capacity for the service.
The law has been too lax in allowing, particularly, health personnel to get away with this criminal act," Korir emphasized. "Such negligence is what emboldens doctors to abort even term babies who are no doubt born wailing for mercy to be shown to them."
Kenya's health minister revealed that three of the babies found were as old as 40 weeks, 36, and 32 weeks. Witnesses claim to have seen babies dumped in a similar fashion along the river road at twice-weekly intervals.
Alexa swing by at 5:33 PM
Alexa swing by at 1:24 PM
Long weekend, I'm beat and it's only Monday. We spent yesterday sailing, and Tyler's red as a lobster! But it was fun, I forgot the last time I actually enjoyed being out in the sun. A sun hat and no brolly, and I mean that.
Alexa swing by at 1:16 PM
Basketball star speaks of how her mother chose life over abortion.
Alexa swing by at 12:07 PM
Did you know that June is Abortion Awareness Month in the black community?
Alexa swing by at 1:41 PM
For the fourth time, Michigan lawmakers passed a ban on partial-birth abortion. This time, called the Legal Birth Definition Act, the measure was approved by registered voters across the state who overrode the governor's veto to bring the bill back to the legislature.
Having passed both houses Wednesday, the Senate by a vote of 23-12 and the House of Representatives by a 74-28 vote, the Legal Birth Definition Act becomes law without Governor Jennifer Granholm's approval, but cannot be enforced until March 2005.
Alexa swing by at 10:21 AM
21 weeks and 4 days. As the boy spends more time playing on his own, he's starting to get really attached to one or more of his toys. He will cry when it is taken away, preferring to carry it around and even sleep with it. This early attachment, from what I've read, is the precursor of the blanket, pillow, stuffed animal, or other security blanket that he may drag around starting at 9 or 10 months. These objects, each a substitute for mommy, help in the transition to independence and make separations easier. Hmm.
Alexa swing by at 9:38 AM
He passed by with another;
I saw him pass by
The wind ever sweet
and the path full of peace
And these eyes of mine, wretched,
saw him pass by!
He goes loving another
over the earth in bloom
The hawthorn is flowering
and a song wafts by
He goes loving another
over the earth in bloom!
He kissed the other
by the shores of the sea
The orangeblossom moon
skimmed over the waves
And my heart's blood did not taint
the expanse of the sea!
He will go with another
through eternity
Sweet skies will shine.
(God wills to keep silent)
And he will go with another
through eternity!
- Gabriela Mistral, 'Ballad'
Alexa swing by at 5:45 PM
Is this supposed to be good for women? Hmph. Not in my opinion.
Gee. Does that mean I'm an "extremist" then? Because according to Republican representative James Greenwood "anyone who opposes Plan B over the counter is an extremist". Grr.
Alexa swing by at 12:08 PM
Alexa swing by at 5:56 PM
This fine article, written by the late President Ronald Reagan, was sent to New Jersey's Right to Life on the tenth anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.
"Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning."
Alexa swing by at 2:07 PM
Concerns over the morning-after pill in Australia and Jamaica now that it is made available over-the-counter. Forget abstinence, the unrestricted supply of the pills would mean more "promiscuous activities" and "irresponsible behaviors". What is even more appalling is several United Nations-sponsored organizations like WHO and UNICEF have undertaken a global promotion of the morning-after pills claiming that is it merely a contraceptive and is harmless.
Alexa swing by at 2:01 PM
Citing overwhelming public outcry at the news of new abortion business being opened in their city, the Killeen City Council in Texas has drafted a resolution recognizing human life at the moment of conception, and beginning an inquiry into possible restrictions.
Alexa swing by at 12:35 PM
It's raining, it's pouring outside now. I could hear the thunders, and lightning too. I wonder what Tyler Rayne is doing right now, I know he gets afraid when it gets too loud. I sure hope he is fast asleep. Sleep, sleep, my darling.
It is difficult these days, to be away from him for hours. I miss him when I'm not with him. Thank god this is just a temporary arrangement. It is tough indeed to be a single parent with NO CHILD SUPPORT, but we're okay for now. I'll be lying if I said I don't need the 'occasional' emotional support, thank the gods that my friends are popping in every so often, Teddy especially, since he is just three hours away. And my mom, I don't know what I will do without her. My first two trimesters were extremely difficult.
It's hard to look at Tyler Rayne without looking at his father, because he's got his father's eyes, that twinkle when he smiles. I see him when I look at him. I guess someday he's gonna ask me about his father, and I wouldn't know what to say.
Alexa swing by at 12:03 PM
Whenever a little child is born,
All night a soft wind rocks the corn;
One more buttercup wakes to the morn,
Somewhere, somewhere.
One more rosebud shy will unfold,
One more grass-blade push through the mold,
One more bird-song the air will hold,
Somewhere, somewhere.
- Agnes Carter Mason (1835-9108)
Alexa swing by at 6:58 PM
Bloody bastards. I hope they rot in hell.
You know what they should do to animal abusers/killers? Feed them to the lions and tigers.
Alexa swing by at 3:48 PM
Whoops. Gloria Feldt is gonna flip - again.
Alexa swing by at 3:36 PM
The Child Custody Protection Act would make it a crime for someone other than a parent or guardian to transport an underage girl across state lines. Backers of the bill say it will help stop secret abortions that violate a young woman's home state's laws requiring parental notification or consent prior to an abortion.
Alexa swing by at 1:34 PM
And in case you haven't heard, Julia Roberts is expecting twins - after an IVF. I think that is great news. I know the results aren't always.. well.. encouraging though, I have read about women who went into depression after failed IVFs. I think like most who are TTC, we tend to build our hopes around it and then.. we fail and we feel like we've lost everything.
In this article a neonatologist warns of In vitro children and the risk they face:
Alexa swing by at 7:30 PM
What every woman should know:
Oral contraceptives and its increased risk of breast cancer
Alexa swing by at 7:01 PM
After-thoughts on the PBA:
It is hard to imagine how a mother would subject her unborn child to pain, to let him die so that she may live as she chooses. Mother Theresa once said that it is indeed poverty to decide that a child must die so that we may live as we wish. A mother should be willing to die for, to protect her children. It brings me great anguish to think that a mother would be willing to let her child suffer. What kind of mother would have her child's brains suck out of his head, or have his limbs ripped apart, alive?
The partial birth abortion is cruel and inhumane (as is abortions performed at any stage of the pregnancy). And I believe that there can never be a good enough excuse for that.
Alexa swing by at 4:34 PM
"Partial truth" abortion:
"Many in the media resent any suggestion they are either politically biased or that journalists' personal views stop them from doing a good professional job of accurately reporting the news. The way the issue of partial-birth abortion has been reported - or not reported - gives the lie to such protests.
Whether you or they are for or against abortion in general or this specific procedure in particular, if the much proclaimed "public's right to know" means anything, it should mean the readers and viewers should be told what it is. Much of the liberal media fail that simple test completely.
Filtering and spinning are not reporting. The public has a right to know that, but that right is too often aborted."
Hmm. Ever wondered why the "local press" does not cover abortion reports? And we have one of the highest abortion rates in the region.
Alexa swing by at 1:27 PM
Your clear eye is the one absolutely beautiful thing.
I want to fill it with color and ducks,
The zoo of the new
Whose names you meditate ---
April snowdrop, Indian pipe,
Stalk without wrinkle,
Pool in which images
Should be grand and classical
Not this troublous
Wringing of hands, this dark
Ceiling without a star.
- Sylvia Plath, "Child"
Alexa swing by at 4:00 PM
Pro-life hero, champion on abortion dies.
Alexa swing by at 11:49 PM
This 54-year-old woman tells the story of her journey after her three abortions, and how her choices scarred her for life.
She found Rachel's Vineyard - and her faith again:
"Like all good '60s kids, I wanted a "quick fix", although I knew one weekend was not going to fix 36 years of torment. My healing is a process, a journey just begun. I made my dead children a promise, which I quote in full: 'I promise you that I will no longer be silent about you. I will not hide in shame or guilt. I commit to turning our pain and sorrow into something good and positive. I will find a way to honor your existence and your deaths. I will let Jesus guide me in memory of you.' "
Alexa swing by at 9:52 PM
From the Washington Times thursday: Impeach Judge Hamilton
"As a consequence of Judge Hamilton's injunction, the appalling partial-birth abortion procedure will continue to be practiced across the land. Because of her order, living infants will continue to be killed in a most cruel manner. It abrogates the clear will of the majority of American people on the matter, as expressed both in public-opinion polls and the votes of their elected representatives."
Alexa swing by at 9:50 PM
All I do is miss you
And the way we used to be
All I do is keep the beat
And bad company
All I do is kiss you
Through the bars of this rhyme
Because I'd do the stars with you anytime
- Mark Knopfler, 'Romeo and Juliet'
Alexa swing by at 7:04 AM
They say 'no' to a new law which requires giving women factual information about abortion risks and alternatives. Why? Because they bloody know it will stop women from going through with the procedure.
Alexa swing by at 3:28 PM
Earl at Times Against Humanity posted this powerful testimony today which I'd like to share here:
Alexa swing by at 1:59 PM
"..most people still don't realize abortion providers are America's true Monsters, Inc.
In fact, I think the entire 13% of America who are hard-core abortion supporters are monsters, and I'm confident history will bear me out. These are people who believe abortion should be legal at any time during pregnancy for any reason, and fetal rights should be denied no matter what.
These "believers" think that suctioning the brains out of half delivered babies is acceptable, that raising the cleanliness and safety standards of abortion clinics to those of animal clinics is unacceptable, that giving pain relief to preborn babies being torn limb from limb is unacceptable, that a nine-year-old girl aborting without her parents' knowledge is acceptable, and that Connor Peterson's murdered body was not a body at all but a blob."
By the way, check out the 1940 classic Planned Parenhood brochure. Hmm.
Alexa swing by at 11:17 AM
Kerry's Catholicism: Checked at the door
Alexa swing by at 11:09 AM
I am so beat. Tyler had just had his night feeding and is now wide awake, in his cot cooing, enjoying his mobiles - he's such a doll. It'll be a while before he gets tired and get to sleep again. I wish Chad or Teddy's here, just so that I could close my eyes for a wee bit.
Alexa swing by at 1:41 AM
PBA injunction: Final arguments in Lincoln, Nebraska; ruling expected in August
Alexa swing by at 12:57 AM
Number of babies aborted because of deformities has increased by 8%, with most Down syndrome babies being aborted.
Alexa swing by at 11:53 PM
Alexa swing by at 2:38 PM
Pharmaceutical profits behind rejection of abortion/breast cancer link, says Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer: The truth is good medicine
Alexa swing by at 2:30 PM
Alone in her one-room cabin high in the mountains of southern Mexico, Ines Ramirez Perez felt the pounding pains of a child insistent on entering the world. Three years earlier, she had given birth to a dead baby girl. As her labor intensified, so did her concern for this unborn child.
The sun had set hours earlier. The nearest clinic was more than 50 miles away over rough terrain and inhospitable roads, and her husband, her only assistant during a half-dozen previous births, was drinking at a cantina. She had no phone and neither did the cantina.
So at midnight, after 12 hours of constant pain, the petite, 40-year-old mother of six sat down on a low wooden bench. She took several gulps from a bottle of rubbing alcohol, grabbed the 6-inch knife she used for butchering animals and pointed it at her belly.
And then she began to cut.
Under the light of a single dim bulb, Ramirez sawed through skin, fat and muscle before reaching inside her uterus and pulling out her baby boy. She says she cut his umbilical cord with a pair of scissors, then passed out.
Alexa swing by at 11:17 PM
Protecting a woman's right to choose? Hmph. Now I am nauseous.
And just in: Closing arguments in the Lincoln trial
Alexa swing by at 10:47 PM
Thanks to Boobs man for the offline - re: abortion. I am against abortion, unless of course in extreme cases where the pregnancy really poses a threat or danger to the mother's life. (Then again, I wouldn't want to live knowing that I have chosen to let my child die to save my life) A child is a gift from God, do you really think that God would blessed you with a "defective" child? There have been many instances and testimonies about women who chose the road less traveled, and have their babies in spite of poor or difficult diagnosis (scroll down the archives). They did it.
There can never be a good reason for abortion in my opinion.
Ask these post-abortive ladies. I think every single last one of them will tell you that they would, have their babies (even those with Down's) if they could do it all over again.
Would I still have had Tyler if Dr John had told me many moons ago that he'd be "abnormal" or he would not survived birth? In a heartbeat.
Alexa swing by at 5:20 PM
Abortion ban ruling ignores evidence on pain babies feel in abortion
"Although Congress justified the ban in part on its finding that the partial-birth abortion method would cause excruciating pain to the partly born infant, Judge Hamilton dismissed this factor," the National Right to Life Committee said in a statement.
Members of Congress, after holding extensive hearings on the issue, found that "the fetus' perception of pain is even more intense than that of newborn infants and older children when subjected to the same stimuli" and that the "fetus fully experiences the pain associated with decompression of the skull and suction of its contents."
Meanwhile, pro-life groups were disappointed but not surprised at the ruling:
Douglas Johnson, of the National Right to Life Committee, said pro-life advocates should keep in mind that two other federal courts are also examining the law. Eventually, the nation's high court will decide the abortion ban's fate.
"It is the U.S. Supreme Court that will ultimately decide whether our elected representatives can ban the practice of mostly delivering a living premature infant and then puncturing her skull," NRLC's legislative director explained. "A one-vote shift on the Supreme Court would allow the ban on partial-birth abortions to be upheld."
Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, a pro-life law firm, agreed.
"This is the first stop on a lengthy legal road that ends at the Supreme Court of the United States. We're confident that the national ban on this horrific procedure ultimately will be declared constitutional," Sekulow said.
Meanwhile, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Casey, who is hearing the New York case, has scheduled closing arguments in the trial for June 22nd.
Sekulow's firm recently filed an amicus brief on behalf of 25 members of Congress urging Judge Casey to uphold the ban.
Sekulow indicated he felt that Judge Hamilton did not allow the same extensive medical information about partial-birth abortion that Judge Casey did.
"The fact is the federal court in California refused to permit the United States to put forth a full evidentiary record concerning this barbaric procedure and the fact that there is no medical reason for it," Sekulow said.
Judge Casey allowed extensive testimony from medical experts who said unborn children feel intense pain during the abortion procedure and that partial-birth abortions are dangerous for women's health.
Alexa swing by at 2:37 PM
PBA injunction: SFO judge rules against partial birth abortion, declared the ban unconstitutional, saying it infringes on women's right to choose. U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton's ruling came in one of three lawsuits challenging the legislation President Bush signed last year.
She agreed with abortion rights activists that a woman's right to choose is paramount, and that is therefore "irrelevant" whether a fetus suffers pain, as abortion foes contend.
"The act poses an undue burden on a woman's right to choose an abortion," the judge wrote.
The ruling applies to the nation's 900 or so Planned Parenthood clinics and their doctors, who perform about half the 1.3 million abortions done each year in the United States.
Federal judges in New York and Nebraska also heard challenges to the law earlier this year but have yet to rule.
Alexa swing by at 2:24 PM
Alexa swing by at 2:20 PM
A mother's perspective: Why carry a dying child?
"Some people think we carried Benedict and Charlotte to term because we don't agree with abortion, because we are Catholic, or perhaps because our nephew was carried to term after a fatal diagnosis. While these factors probably all played a part in our immediate refusal of the option to "terminate," this is not what it's all about! It's about love! It's about my baby! It's not about some tragic, fatal medical condition - it's about my child. There is no way to avoid the sad fact that she cannot live long after birth with this condition, but causing Charlotte to die earlier will not stop this happening. Causing her to die earlier will only take from us the beautiful experience of knowing and loving her."
Read also: Why carry a dying child? by Priest for Life's Fr. Frank Pavone
Alexa swing by at 5:22 PM
Abortionist: Why I provide abortions
This article is extracted from the Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) published by the Center for Disease Control.
Alexa swing by at 1:37 PM